The last post about Appleverse Wizard

My next post will be the last post about Appleverse Wizard. This post will have 2 download links, to 2 JAR files which I made to use inside Appleverse Wizard. They're very easy to use, and I will explain how to use then in this post. These will be the files:

- plist.jar => With this file, you can edit plist files inside Java easily.
Compatibility: Any OS (Windows, Mac, Linux, ...).
Compatibility Reason: Edition based on String operations.
Future Plans: None.

- icns.jar => With this file, you can convert ICO and PNG files as ICNS, and save Icon, ImageIcon and BufferedImage objects as ICNS too.
Compatibility: Just Mac.
Compatibility Reason: Convert to ICNS uses two Mac terminal codes called: sips and tiff2icns.
Future Plans: Convert ICNS to PNG, and read a ICNS as an Icon, ImageIcon or BufferedImage.

Possibly, in the future, these files will have an update, but not right now.

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